

3 Reasons You Need A Robot Vacuum & Mop If You Have Pets

Whether you view your pets as children or a simple part of the family, the amount of mess they create can be frustrating. From pet hair to grass, leaves, and sand, the cleaning is endless. Thankfully, you can hold onto the joy of being a pet owner by enlisting the services of a robot vacuum. 

Why Robot Vacs Are Great For Pet Owners 

A floor robot mop is like having an on-call cleaner. You can open your 360 robot app and set it off on an extra clean or simply rely on your automatic vacuum cleaner to stick to the schedule you chose. The need to stay on top of cleaning is much greater when there's a pet in the home. That's easier said than done, of course, but with an automatic robot vacuum, you have a cleaning companion that stays on top of cleaning the floors so that you don't have to. 

One of the biggest issues pet owners face is hair and dander. Aside from the fact that loads of pet hair on your floors and furniture is unsightly, it's also not great for anyone with allergies, asthma or respiratory issues. If you have noticed an uptick in symptoms, such as a runny nose and itchy eyes, it might be down to all that pet hair. Even if you're not allergic to animals, they often bring pollen and dust indoors that may contain allergens. 

Program your robot vacuum and let it go. Your floor robot cleaner will vacuum, and mop, and you can tell it exactly which one to do and where. 

Reasons Pet Owners Need a Robot Vac 

Picks up pet hair and dander

What better way to clear out pet hair than with a high-powered robot vacuum? While you do literally anything else, the robot will navigate your home collecting pet hair and any other debris it comes across. And you can create a cleaning schedule that works for you. If it's shedding season, you can up your cleaning to make sure your robot vac stays on top of the issue. 

It's quiet so you don't need to worry about the noise scaring sensitive pets

Whether your cat despises unnecessary noise or you have a sensitive pup, a cleaning companion that operates on quiet mode is a must. Whether you prefer the 360 S7 or the S10, the quiet mode operates on a low, steady hum that won't incite barking or whining from even the most sensitive of pets. It's also smart enough to use its sensors to detect pets, so you don't need to worry about the hoover robot vacuum chasing Dingo or Oscar down. Which makes a pretty big difference from the reaction the standard cordless vacuum cleaner causes. 

It requires little maintenance, just set it up and let it go

If you're not yet sold on a robo vac, consider this – it requires little, if any, maintenance. The thing about pets is they are unpredictable. You can research the breed all you like, but animals have accidents, they get sick, and they react to their environment. It's impossible to predict how much it will cost to own a pet, beyond the initial purchase price. And once it's in your home, you need to feed, bathe, groom, love, and nurture it. It's a lot to handle. 

In comparison, a robot mop vacuum cleaner simply needs you to set it up in the app on your phone. Many models auto-dock, self-charge, and auto-empty. It could not be easier to own and operate one. You will need to refill the water tank, empty the main bin, and replace the cloths from time to time. But, in the meantime, your smart vacuum is doing all the heavy lifting. You don't even need to think about it. 

360 Smart Life Shop 

Which robot cleaner vacuum and mop is right for you will depend on several factors. The first is your cleaning needs. If you have all carpets, then a simple self-clean robot vacuum is ideal. But if you have all hardwood or a mix of carpet and hardwood, you need a robot mop in Australia. It will also depend on the type of pet you have, if you have a gaggle of short-haired dachshunds you won't need the same level of suction as a family with Australian shepherds. If your home is particularly large or has wide open space, you need a mop and vacuum robot with a powerful battery. With that in mind, we have compiled a few of Store 360 Australia's best robot vacuums for sale. 

You can view the 360 S9 vacuum on the 360 Smart Life Store. It offers 220Pa suction power and is ideal for grabbing all those pesky pet hairs. And on quiet mode, it falls below the average voice. If you're looking for a more powerful robot vacuum, the S10 brags stellar navigation – and it is slimline, which means it can easily slide under the couch, beds, and cupboards for a thorough cleaning job.